Verifying webserver compression - BREACH attack

BREACH attack

A few lines of Bash script let you check which compression methods are supported by a SSL/TLS-enabled webserver.

for compression in compress deflate exi gzip identity pack200-gzip br
bzip2 lzma peerdist sdch xpress xz; do
curl -ksI -H "Accept-Encoding: ${compression}" https://${target} | grep -i ${compression}
If you see any output (and the server supports one of these compression algorithms), the site might be vulnerable to a BREACH attack. Might, because an attacker has to 'inject' content into the output (and have some control over it): This is called a chosen plaintext attack.
By carefully injecting certain content to the page, an attacker is able to deduce (parts) of the page content by merely looking at the response size (speed). An attacker therefore also has to be able to observe the server's response. A third prerequisite is that the secret (that an attacker wants to steal) is contained in the server response's body, and not 'just' in the response's header. Cookies are therefore out of scope.

The easiest mitigation is to disable HTTP compression completely. Other less practical mitigations are adding random content to each page, which changes the compressed size per page request, rate limiting the …

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As you probably read somewhere else, and on another place, and another... on March 3rd 2015, another attack on SSL/TLS was published. Following the tradition of BEAST, CRIME, Heartbleed, LUCKY13 and POODLE this one also has a catchy name: FREAK (Factoring RSA Export Keys).

It's a man-in-the-middle attack where a man in the middle can decrypt a SSL/TLS connection between a client and a server.


Vulnerable *servers* are servers that accept export-grade ciphers (RSA-EXPORT). Checking whether a server is vulnerable can be done in many ways.

analyze_hosts --ssl HOST

If you see any EXPort ciphers, the server is vulnerable.

cipherscan HOST:443

If you see any EXPort ciphers, the server is vulnerable.

  • Yet another way is by using nmap:
nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p433 HOST

If you see any EXPort ciphers, the server is vulnerable.

You get the idea...

Mitigate this vulnerability server-side by making sure that your server doesn't allow export ciphers in the OpenSSL configuration: add the following expression


There are also vulnerable clients...

Clients using OpenSSL are not vulnerable if they were built after CVE-2015-0204 was published.

The …

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Should you disable RC4 in SSL/TLS ?

I'm by no means a crypto expert. Still I'm frequently getting (and answering) questions regarding the use of RC4 in SSL/TLS. Should you disable it? Or keep it enabled?

March 2015 update - A 'new' attack method (Bar Mitsvah Attack) using a previously known RC4 vulnerability was presented, thereby reducing the RC4 security even more.

February 2015 update - RFC 7456 has been published, which effectively prohibits the use of RC4 in TLS.

This document requires that Transport Layer Security (TLS) clients
and servers never negotiate the use of RC4 cipher suites when they
establish connections. This applies to all TLS versions.


Here is my reasoning to disable all ciphersuites using RC4:

  • RC4 is a stream cipher that has been around since 1987. The number and quality of attacks on RC4 (in SSL/TLS) increases. Fact: Attacks on encryption algorithms only get better, they never get worse.
  • A lot of sites still enable RC4 in their ciphers, to support a wide browser base. Fact: Even Internet Explorer on Windows XP supports DES-CBC3-SHA (an alternative to one of the RC4 ciphers)
  • RC4 is one of the few ciphers that is resistant to the BEAST attack …
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